Overview Company

Prinstine Group of Companies (PGC)

Prinstine Group of Companies (PGC) is a Liberian owned and incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Liberia in 2023. Its headquarter is located in Sinkor, Airfield, PA Rib House Junction, Monrovia, Liberia. PGC exists to provide social, and financial solutions for businesses and individuals through our micro lending and financial services; providing academic programs for employees, job seekers and business owners. Also making sure that all accountants, executives, and financial officers have the full knowledge on how to work with basic accounting & financial software.

Prinstine Group has three major subsidiaries: 1)Assured Life Saving & Investment Company

  • (ALSIC) which is involve with micro lending and other smaller business investment activities;
    2) TaxRight Accounting & Consultancy (TRAC) Inc- involve with Accounting and Financial Consultancy and other business development operations
    3) Prinstine Academy- exists to provide quality academic trainings for employees, job seekers, and business owners.
  • Prinstine Group exists to empower people economically, financially and academically, thereby ensuring that those who live in poverty, ignorant to basic knowledge and need consultancy services, are served in full.

    We envision to be one of the leading service providers Internationally; thereby ensuring that we maintain our core values through all spheres of influence in an effective and efficient manner.

    • Integrity- Providing our services in accordance with regulations & guidelines
    • Accountability- We are responsible and sound decision makers
    • Reliability – We operate with reliance and excellence
    • Teamwork- We value the input and the diversity of our team players

    Motto: “Your output values our services”